Frequently Asked Questions

Build premium backlink profile without the hassle of
expensive and time consuming process.

Website Traffic

Yes, it’s 100% safe and transparent if you buy from a reputable provider. We don’t give visitors incenCves to click, view, or behave in a parCcular way. We never use bots. We focus on driving real, human traffic that is interested in your brand (based upon selected keywords and/or geography and category).

We Do NOT spam or use any dubious techniques like BOTS while direcCng visitors to your website.

As much as we’d like to, we can never predict or dictate human behavior. No provider is able to do that (and if they claim they can, you should ask them
how). That said, to increase Cme on page and clicks, it’s imperaCve that you clearly communicate your value proposiCon in conjuncCon with ensuring you
always have fresh, relevant content, compelling offers, and calls to acCon.

Again, as much as we’d like to predict or dictate human behavior, we just can’t. That said, to increase the propensity of a visitor to buy, you need to always ensure you have fresh, relevant content, compelling offers, and calls to acCon.

We accept a wide range of businesses, including many business types that have a difficult Cme ge`ng accepted on other ad networks, but we’re currently not accepCng any of the businesses that promote the following:

  • Illegal or decepCve content
  • Hateful content
  • Cryptocurrency ICOs
  • Cryptocurrency cloud mining
  • DecepCve or harmful downloads

We reserve the right to refuse service for any customer. Our partners havestrict rules in place, and any ad that violates these rules may be cancelled and refunded. If you’re unsure if your website meets our guidelines, please contactus and we will evaluate it for you.

Once your traffic begins to flow, you can monitor it via Google AnalyCcs as well as the link we provide upon confirming your order. You will be able to slice and dice your results at your discreCon and modify your campaigns as warranted upon compleCon.

Of course! We actually encourage this. If you are on the fence about buying traffic or simply want to test some keywords and/or categories/geographies, by all means, place a smaller order first! If you like what you see, you can subsequently place a larger order.

Our staff operates Mon – Fri: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (GMT) except for US Bank Holidays. If you place your order during business hours, we generally review and begin processing orders within 24 – 48 hours (usually much less, actually). If you placed your order on a weekend or aier hours, it’s possible that the order will be processed unCl the next business day. Note that while we can’t guarantee it, we love what we do and are known to check email outside of business hours.

BackLinks building

Guest Posts, also known as Guest Blog Posts, are an extremely effective way of building authoritative backlinks for your website, increasing its online visibility and boosting your keyword rankings and site traffic.

When buying guest posts, it typically takes 3 weeks or less until your article is live on a blog.

Unfortunately not. This is for a variety of reasons, but most importantly it’s to protect the safety and security of our link partners as well as our clients.

You can buy guest posts for SEO in almost any niche imaginable. If you have concerns about your niche, go ahead and send us a message!

In many cases, we can accommodate TLD requests. However, you should get in touch with us first to make sure we will be able to fulfill your order.

We are currently only providing our guest post services in English. We can link to foreign sites, but the links will come from English articles and must use English anchors.

Absolutely NOT. While we love quality PBN links, our guest posts are something completely different. All of the domains you get articles placed on are real sites with real traffic.

If you’re interested in PBN links, please see that product page.

We aim for article-level relevance when building guest posts. This means that the article will be relevant to your topic, but the domain may post content about more than one topic. Some domains may be more niche-specific than others.

Also, depending on your niche, we may have to use a parent niche. For example, if your niche is “dog sweaters for chihuahuas,” we will most likely need to use parent niches such as “dogs,” “pets,” or even things like “home” that could make sense contextually

Guest posts should be  permanent, but we will provide replacements for up to 1 year if your link goes down

Billing and Refunds

The following payment methods are available:

  1. Credit card: Pay with your debit/credit card.
  2. PayPal: Pay with your debit/credit card or PayPal wallet.
  3. Pay with ApplePay or GooglePay

No. There are no extra nor addiConal charges.

In order to have funds to run your campaign for, you need to pay for your campaign’s traffic upfront in full.

You will receive a Full Refund within the next 30 days from the time you started your campaign if for any reason from our side we fail on delivery.

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